2000 (Crown Publishers). Jack spent a week watching 12 television sets (replicating an experiment by Charles Sopkin in 1967), and wrote about his harrowing experience.

1990, 1992 (Lone Eagle Publishing). In the days before IMDb, people looked up credits in books like this one.

1983 (Delilah Books). Jack was in college, and wrote the book while taking the bus from a summer internship at Washingtonian magazine to a summer job as a movie theater usher.
2008 (Bloomsbury Publishing). It's dedicated to Maude Lechner, "the light of my life."
(There are more — for publications like The Village Voice and Good — but these are the ones that are still available on the internet.)
“A Big Giant Red Beating Heart For Chaos: Photo-blogger Traci Matlock”
Photography & Culture, April 27, 2015
“10 Embarrassing Brushes With Celebrities”
Truly Free Film, November 15, 2013
“Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? A Date With Lou Reed”
“Robert Altman — A Short Cut”
The Village Voice, November 14, 2006
“Joe Jackson — Memoirs of a Musical Misfit”
The San Francisco Chronicle, December 19, 1999
”A Brooklyn Boy's Tales of Hollywood: Paul Mazursky takes a funny, if glib, look back at his career as actor and director”
“This Is Who We Are: Professor Jack Lechner”
Columbia University School of the Arts, December 3, 2020
“Jack Lechner: I’ve no excuse. I should have done more about Harvey Weinstein, my monster boss”
Laura Pullman, The Times, September 1, 2019